She struck the angel Gabriel as hardly old enough to have a child at all, let alone this child, but he’d been entrusted with a message to give her, and he gave it.He told her what the child was to be named, who he was to be, and something about the mystery that was to come upon her. You mustn’t be afraid, Mary, [the angel said.] As he said it, he only hoped she wouldn’t notice that beneath the great, golden wings he himself was trembling with fear and holding his breath that the whole future of creation hung now on the answer of a girl.1
The problem is that she didn’t answer – at least not right away – for she has a question and a statement of her own to make. Both, I am sure, struck terror in the heart of this angelic visitor because they were ones he had been fearing since the beginning of this mission.
So, he held his breath as he heard her say, “How can this be?” said Mary. “I am still a virgin.” This was exactly what Gabriel did not want to hear – a statement of the obvious and a statement that demanded clarification.
Mary may have been a child in the angel's eyes and ours but she is no fool. She knows enough to realize that so far something very important has been left out of the angel’s story. If she is going to have a baby she is going to need to have something she has not yet had.
Gabriel intentionally glossed over this, hoping that she would not notice, but Mary informs him, in a simple question, that something is missing from the angelic equation.
“How can this be?” Mary may have asked again.
\Nobody could ever accuse Mary of not being direct. She had just asked the question the angel had been dreading because he had no explanation either.
The angel was holding his breath.
Mary was thinking.
Gabriel checked his notes again. There were no other names on the list. The angel was trembling, and sweating, and still holding his breath because her response was no foregone conclusion.
Mary could have said no. She could have said: “Listen my fine winged friend. I have got Joseph, whom I love, and my whole life ahead of me. And you’ve got the wrong person. I don’t have time for this! I don’t need this! So don’t let the door hit you in the wings on the way out.”
For what seemed like an eternity the two of them stood their looking at each other. One waiting for an answer, holding his breath because he had nothing more to offer to the conversation.
Then, in novelist Reynolds Price’s words:
...she looked well past him – the rim of the skyline back of his shoulder – and there was an odd cloud forming itself in the shape of a dark bird rushing toward her. She looked met the angel’s eyes again and said: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your word.”
That’s all Gabriel needed to hear. He rushed from the house and when he hit the fresh air outside he did something that no angel has done before or since. He fainted, face first, in the mud.
When he came to in the arms of his fellow angels, he couldn’t remember anything but holding his breath.
“What did she say?” he asked and closed his eyes anticipating the worse.
“She said, ‘Yes!’” his colleagues replied with immeasurable joy.
That simple “yes” meant more than Gabriel’s mission would be counted as success. That “yes” made way for Jesus’ birth and for him to become one of us. To be born of a human mother and to know in a very real way, what it is like to be human. Jesus would know what it like to have a family, to make friends and then loose them, to have a life and then loose it.
Mary’s “yes” made Christ’s coming possible. If she had said “no” who knows what we might be celebrating. Maybe some Druidic festival about the lengthening of days, but we’re not.
We’re celebrating Christ’s coming into this life to save you and to save me.
So take a moment this day to thank God, thank Mary, and, oh yes, thank Gabriel.
He’s the angel over there, whose colour, only just now, is beginning to return to his face.
1. Frederick Buechner, Peculiar Treasures (San Francisco,CA: Harper San Francisco, 1993).
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